If you have are interested in finding out more about any of the opportunities listed, contact Julianna Hisey, Pastor of NextGen & Equipping.
- Hospitality Team
- Sunday morning services
- Special services like funerals.
- Care Ministries
- Visiting in nursing homes
- Visiting or reaching out to those who are grieving
- Outreach to those who are sick
- Overseeing meal trains for sick or grieving
- Church Community
- Journey Group Leaders and Hosts
- JOY Older Adult Ministry
- Men’s Ministry
- Women’s Ministry
- Partners of Hope Ministry to refugees.
- Naomi & Ruth Rehabilitation Centre for Women
- Neighbourhood High School caring cupboards for needy students (BMHS and RHS)
- Neighbourhood Food Banks (Peter McKee and Albert County)
- Teen Challenge Addiction Treatment Centre for Men
- Harvest House Atlantic – helping those in need including homeless, addicted and those with mental health issues
- Pregnancy & Wellness Centre Moncton
- Other community initiatives