Journey Kids Ministry is for all children ages birth to grade 5
Our mission is partnering to lead children to follow Jesus, love God, and love others. We partner with parents and our church community in this mission. Join us Sundays at 10:00 AM at TJC Allison. Journey Kids classes at this campus are for babies up to grade 5. Sundays at TJC Riverview we meet at 11:00 AM. Until our volunteer base grows at this campus, Journey Kids classes will happen every other week. On the alternate weeks, the Children’s Corner will be available in the Worship Centre with activities and snacks for children. Families are welcome at both campuses. (Find out about locations and special service times, like Christmas and long weekends HERE.)
New to The Journey Church? You can register your child online by clicking one of the buttons below.

Children’s Ministries Volunteer Application
We would love to have you join the Journey Kids team. If you have questions about what that means, email If you would like to begin the application process, fill out the online Journey Kids Ministry Application Form (click the white button below).
Events and Resources
Cultivating a Generous Spirit
Season 4 Blog 30 “And when we take your gifts to those who need them,…