Faith Under Fire
Why does God sometimes seem indifferent, hostile, or absent?
Thankfulness can be difficult, but Psalm 22 shows us how to move from complaint to praise.
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Will trauma, adversity and stress cause you to let go of your faith? Or is resilient hope a possibility?
How do we break free from our globs of sameness in order to embrace our differences and celebrate our unity in Christ?
What does it mean to be God’s community, together; to be his family? Dave challenges us to ask God how he will lead us in the days ahead.
We read in 2 Corinthians 5:17 “This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!” How does the good news of Jesus change us? David Morehouse discusses 3 ways.
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What do you believe? Does it really matter? Pastor Dave Morehouse references Dr. Francis Collins’ short answer to the question “what do you believe” here and leads us on a biblical journey that leads to the conclusion that believing in Jesus changes everything.
What Do You Believe? Read More »